Swift Wit Comics

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2007    2008    2009    2010    2011

      1. Charmin Ass Nazis    (printed 1/19/10)

      2. Ebook Readers    (printed 2/16/10)

      3. Fuck The Irvine 11    (printed 2/23/10)

      4. Kindness Month    (printed 5/25/10)

      5. Welcome Week (printed 9/28/10)

        6. M.S.U. Rap (printed 10/05/10)

       7. Meta Comic (REJECTED)

       8. Adventures of WTF Fix These Elevators Man: Phoenix Rebirth Part 1 (printed 11/16/10)

       9. Adventures of WTF Fix These Elevators Man: Phoenix Rebirth Part 2 (REJECTED?!)