Swift Wit Comics

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Background:  UCI has been running its elevators with expired licenses since 2009.  One tagger decided to go through the campus elevators tagging "WTF fix these elevators!" Circling the fact that the elevators have not been inspected for over 2 years.  His tagging was ubiquitous.  EVERY elevator was hit.  It would be washed away every week or so, but he would just come back and hit again.  I don't know if he graduated or gave up, but this is my mythical tribute to my favorite activist on campus.  BTW.  Elevators on campus are fucking frightful!

WTF Fix These Elevators Part 1

TITLE: "WTF Fix These Elevators Man: Phoenix Rebirth Part 1"

By: Sharif Shakhshir

Creator Comments:  I don't get much feedback on my comics.  So when some people tell me something about it then I know I did something particularly amazing.

When people at school read this comic.  They fucking lost it.