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Meta Comic

TITLE: "Meta Comic"

By: Sharif Shakhshir

Creator Comments:  For awhile I was thinking about this comic and how there were a few changes that needed to be made and how it was absolutely horrid.  However, looking it now this wasn't that bad.  I can't see why this was rejected.  I can see how it can be better though.

The problem is that the editors don't usually give us feedback on a bad work.  So I'll never know why he rejected this.  Maybe going meta twice in one strip was pushing it too far for him?

Note: The girl has a Totoro tattoo. 


Also the shirt I'm wearing isn't clear in the online version.  It's an awesome shirt that my cousin gave me from her online clothing store before the recession ate it.  I've said it once and I've said it again.  A recession by definition is something that eats up all of the things you love.

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