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Creator's Comments: Yay! Team Rocket!  Okay, lets face it.  Pokemon had a huge impact on anyone under the age of 25.  I'd like to thank Tim from Civil Ground for getting me stoked about Team Rocket all over again.  Tim knows how to stoke people about things, like the word "stoke."

There was going to be a Meowth but I didn't know how to work that in an anthropomorphic comic.  Meowth is an anthropomorphic cat.  So when you make the humans anthropomorphic animals then how do you translate the anthropomorphic animals?  If you keep them the same then they become people too.  If you change them then they become animals.  However Meowth isn't really a Pokemon.  He's more like a person.  He doesn't battle and has a vocabulary.  Maybe I should have gone with that.

Now for my ranting. Yay!  Why is everyone with an S2000 an asshole?  Yeah, it's a good car but that doesn't make you Takumi Fujiwara.  In fact my theory is that people who start racing with a good car are usually shitty drivers and racers.  They depend on the mechanics of the car and get cocky.  I noticed with my friends the ones who had confidence in their cars they never really researched anything and never tried to learn any theory or skill behind racing.  All they knew was horsepower.  If you lose then it's because you didn't have enough horsepower.  While I was the one looking online trying to figure out why so many people race Saturns and trying to figure out the magic behind them.  I read articles from SCCA champions who won with Saturn SC2's.  They had ideal shift technique, shift points, true redline on the S-series, explanations of the drift paradox and the cornering paradox, etc.  My friends modded their cars.  I was broke.  I looked into getting the most out of the power that I had.  This was a long time ago though.  I grew up.

However this guy with an S2000 was walking with me and some friends to my car.  He ran his S2000 wide and hit the guard rail.  For those of you who don't know the S2000 is well known for how nimbly it can take corners.  So it's really pathetic that he ran it into the guard rail.  Well, he laughs at my car.  No, not because of my clever "SEGA Saturn" bumper sticker.  But just because it's a humble little Saturn SW2.  I told him "It's not much, but it's never been in a guardrail."  To which all the guys went "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" and he replied in a sarcastic tone, "Ouch, you really hurt me," which translates to "I have no comeback but you hurt my feelings so I need to try to belittle your insult with a vain attempt at humor instead of just admitting when I've been defeated."

 I really hate that.  This can't even afford his car and he talks down to people who don't live in debt for a sports car.  If you want to live in debt to support your racing habit then fine.  More power to you.  Just don't talk shit to the people who can't afford it, especially when they're just as broke as you are.

Copyright 2007