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Creator's Comments: I've actually been thinking about how Ramadan needs a mascot for well over a year now.  I came up with The Adventures of Rahil The Ramadan Racoon last fall.  (Sorry, I just love alliteration)  I wanted to make it an animated cartoon.  I'm kinda glad that I didn't because now that I think about my idea for the cartoon, it was total crap.  Somehow I thought of him again.

So...yeah Rahil was supposed to just be a one week thing but I wrote this whole thing around him.  So expect to see him a little after Ramadan.

Creator's rants:  Yeah, remember that whole, "I'm going to have more time" speech from Saturday?  It was a damned lie.  School is kicking up with a vengeance.  Two literature classes and Japanese 4 is just hell.  I don't think I'm going to try for Japanese 5.  That's it!  My GPA can't take it!  I barely passed Japanese 2 and 3 for crying out loud!



Copyright 2007