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Movies with Science Majors #2

TITLE: "Why I Hate Watching Movies with Science Majors #2"

Creator Comments: I always think that it's awkward that science majors tend to point out the strangest uses of spectacle as being "not realistic."  Like in "Star Wars" they say that there's no sound in space, certain vehicles couldn't fly, etc.  However, they don't mention how there aren't really floating words in space that just happen to tell the history of both the galaxy and key individuals.

Also, they don't have any grief with extra-diegetic music!  There's no sound in space but you can fucking hear a god damned philharmonic orchestra?

I'm just kidding.  I understand that their dispute is that explosions are intra-diegetic yet exist where it physically cannot.  We can dispel our disbelief for rules set up in the world such as the existence of Jedi and The Force; however, there is no effort to justify the sound of explosions.