Swift Wit Comics

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Creator Comments: The girls in the first comic look waaaaaaay better on the sketches.  I can only ink so finely.  I don't have that artist's hand yet.

Remember this is an allegory.  Small things might have more meaning than you think.  Diction, props, characters, etc.  Most of which means something deeper.  There's also one big thing that people will think means something but it doesn't and paradoxically it means something because it doesn't mean anything.

I'm trying my best to incorporate little kidness into it.  Amira is singled out for her big ears.  The ears I drew are much smaller than a real fennec fox's ears.  It just kept coming out awkward when I tried to keep it to scale.

Also they stick to little kid level bad words.  Poop, booger, doodoo, darn, etc.

In the second comic Samatha's left paw looked a little more impressive in the sketch.

Gotta hand it to Amira's mom in the last comic.  She pulls off a useless parental advice hat-trick.

In making the last comic I thought that maybe this is the root of why teenagers stop talking to their parents.  They just can't handle the bullshit and horrible advice anymore.

Saturday's comic might be late.  I'm fighting a scholarship deadline.  I gotta finish this whole Amira series by Tuesday.

Copyright 2007