Swift Wit Comics

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Warning: Disturbing images


Creator's Comments: I have to admit that this is even a bold approach even for me.  This is based upon a real conversation I had with someone recently.  He was really disturbed by this.  I'm kind of looking towards this with a sense of adventure.  It will be a cultural revolution!  I like the signs of engineering going on.  Harnessing electricity from the sun.  Making methane power plants from gases emitted from bacteria in landfills.  The quest for efficiency will reduce the gap between the haves and the have nots.  The poor will have a higher standard of living.  HAHAHAHAHA YEAH THE FUCK RIGHT!  SOLAR PANELS WILL BE TAXED OR BE PROPERTY OF THE ELECTRIC COMPANY AND YOU'D HAVE TO PAY THEM JUST FOR HAVING THAT SHIT SIT ON YOUR ROOF!  Nothing will stop the rich when they wanna feel special.

Photo links in order: Gas Pump    Missile    Humvee    Jets    Injured Child    Nascar

Copyright 2007